4.2 The FV (federated validation) diagram
Here we can see what will be done while we are doing a federated validation with our Ailabs's FV framework.
When a FV plan starts, the edge dashboard will automatically launch the container and start doing validation.
As we can see in the diagram, there are 4 phases that will go through in a FV plan,
`initialization`,`preprocessing`,`validating` and `completed`.
At each phase, the container should output the corresponding progress.json to tell outside the progress of FV。
Ailabs 預期開發者會在`initialization`這個階段進行所有聯合驗證前的初始化動作,例如載入模型與模型權重、載入資料集等。
以上四個階段(除了`preprocessing`若無需求可略過),每個階段都須要輸出一個progess.json的檔案(已有則覆蓋),以便Ailabs FV framework追蹤開發者的FV container的狀態,我們後面會在詳解progess.json。