1.6 Task Flows

    The following tasks are required to go through a Federated Learning (FL) project from scratch.

    Task 1). Create a new Federated Learning (FL) project, and assign corresponding PI.

    Task Content 1

    Task 2). Invite Co-PI(s) to join the FL project. Co-PI(s) join the FL project.

    Task 3). Set up the FL project, including upload initial AI model and model weights.

    Task 4). Create a FL plan under the FL project. Set up the FL plan.

    Task 5). Co-PI(s) upload the training datasets under the FL plan.

    Task 6). Start the FL plan.

    Task 7). FL plan finishes training. Receive the final AI model weights. 

    Task 8). Repeat Task 4-7 to select different AI model/training datasets/joining Co-PIs to gain alternative results. 

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