2.2 How to invite partners to join my FL project? (PI)


    This page shows how to create CoPI and invite them to join the FL project.

    1. To invite CoPI to the project, Login to Aggregator dashboard.

    2. In the project tab, the listed projects are the projects that you host. If there is no project, contact the Fed Admin to create one.

    3. To invite partner to the project. Let's create the user if the user hasn't been created.

    4. Fill out the user creation form.

    5. The created user is now in the user tab.

    6. Click the "Create Fed Machine" button to invite the created user to the project.

    7. Fill out the Fed Machine creation form.

    8. The Fed Machine is now created. The CoPI will receive an invitation email and they will follow the instructions in the email to join the project.

    9. If the CoPI doesn't receive the email, you can click the button in the following image to copy the invitation key and send it to the CoPI.

    10. When the CoPIs join the project, you'll see the checked icon.

    You have successfully invited CoPI to join your FL project !

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