
    Taiwan AI Labs Federated Learning (FL) Framework is the main part of Taiwan AI Labs Federated Learning Platform. The FL Framework provides an easy approach to train AI model without assembling all data in one place.

    This user manuals provide comprehensive and step-by-step guidelines for experienced and new users. Please follow the description for the framework operation.

    If you are an AI Engineer, please refer to the developers' guidebook.



    For more information, please contact us, or visit - 

    TAIMedImg - https://www.taimedimg.tw/    

    Taiwan AI Labs - https://www.ailabs.tw/  

    For Federated Learning introduction, please refer to the video below:



    Taiwan AI Lab Federated Learning Platform includes the following components:

    - Federated Learning Framework (FL)
    - Federated Validation System (FV)
    - Data Governance Toolsets (DG)
    - Federated Inference Module (FI)

    For more information please refer to:
    - FLaVor (AI Engineer References for FL and FV)
    - FAQ

    If you are a channel distributor, please refer to:
    - Fed-Machine Setup

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